NAAP’s 36th Annual Conference: Listening in the Age of Google, Clinical Perspectives and Social Action

NAAP’s 36th Annual Conference

Listening in the Age of Google
Clinical Perspectives and Social Action

Fordham University School of Social Work at Lincoln Center
October 18, 2008
* David Andelman, Keynote Speaker, Author of A Shattered Peace: Versailles 1919 and the Price We Pay Today
* Michael Vannoy Adams
* Shulamith Koenig
* Arnold Richards

With Jane Hall, Special Guest

Topics Include
• Their Versailles and Ours: The Role of the Internet in bringing about organizational change in APsaA Events
• The Listening Cure: Metaphorical Resonances and the Third Ear

• Where Three Roads Meet: History, Culture, and Counter-Transference When Listening to Patients
• Listening in the Age of Google: Adoption Coaching
• In This Age of Google: The Analyst is Discovered Online
• Countertransference Issues and the Internet
• Rescuing History to Build Bridges Through Understanding and Dialogue
• Deepening Psychoanalytic Listening: The Marriage of Buddha and Freud
• Cyberspace: The Nodal Self in the Wide Wide World — Adolescents Signing On
• Video Conferencing as a Treatment Modality in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
• Listening Through Your Body: Before Google and After Google
• Is it Still Important to Look at Ancient Texts Psychologically?
Special Events
• Gradiva Awards Banquet
• Institute Leaders Forum – Jennifer R. Harper, Chair
• Reception
Special rates for early registration! Register by September 20 to receive discount:
Members $160; non-Members $180; Students $100
Awards Banquet: $75

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