Save The Date! Judaism and Psychoanalysis: A Continuing Dialogue Conference on October 5, 2008

Conference: “Judaism and Psychoanalysis: A Continuing Dialogue”

Conference sponsored by the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis in conjunction with the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies, held at
Spertus, 610 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605, on Sunday, October 5, 2008.
Lunch will be included; conference fee $125.

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To Register:

Tentative Schedule

Morning Sessions: The Influence of Judaism on Psychoanalysis
Hal M. Lewis, Ph.D. — Chair

9:00 Welcoming Remarks – David M. Terman, M.D.

9: 15 Ingrid Scholtz-Strasser, Ph.D. Tentative title: How the Situation of the Jews in Vienna Influenced Freud and the Early Development of Psychoanalysis

10:00 Arnold Richards, M.D., Sigmund Freud’s Jewish Identity

10:45 Break

11:00 Jonathan Lear, Ph.D., The Illusion of a Future: How Does Freud’s Critique of Religious Belief Actually Work?

11:45 Morning discussant: Arnold Tobin, M. D.

12:00 Lunch
Marvin Zonis, Ph.D.  Judaism and Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Israel

Afternoon Sessions: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Judaism
James W. Anderson, Ph.D. – chair

1:30  Robert A. Paul, Ph.D., Constructing the Conscientious Personality: How the Torah Works to Produce Jews

2:15  Celia Brickman, Ph.D., Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Jewish Religious Thought

3:00 Break

3:15  Neal Spira, M.D., Remembering, Repeating, and Repentance