Summer Reading List

The following books have been reviewed on this website and are recommended summer reading: 

 Illuminations by Eva Hoffman
 Click Here For the Review  

 The Center Cannot Hold by Elyn R. Saks
Click Here for the Review 

The Struggle Against Mourning by Ilany Kogan
Click Here for the Review

 Revolution in Mind by George Makari
Click Here for the Review

 Haunted by Parents by Leonard Shengold
Click Here for the Review

 Bettelheim: Living and Dying by David James Fisher
Click Here for Excepts from this Book

The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge, M.D.
Click Here for Jane S. Hall’s Review
Click Here for Abigail Zuger’s Review

The Death of Sigmund Freud by Mark Edmundson
Click Here for the Review

Bloomsbury/Freud: The Letters of James and Alix Strachey 1924-1925 edited by Perry Meisel and Walter Kendrick
Click Here for the Review

Review of Freud’s Requiem: Mourning, memory, and the invisible history of a summer walk By Matthew von Unwerth
Click Here for the Review

 The Road to Unity by Leo Rangel
Click Here for the Review by Jeffrey Golland
Click Here for the Review by Arthur Lynch
Click Here for the Review by Arnold D. Richards

From Both Sides of the Couch: Reflections of a Psychoanalyst, Daughter, Tennis Player, and Other Selves by Fern W. Cohen
Click Here for the Review

 Broken Sons/Broken Fathers: A Pschoanalyst Remembers by Gerald J. Gargiulo.
Click Here for an Excerpt from this Book

Feder, Stuart. Charles Ives: My Father’s Song. New Haven: Yale Univ Press. 1992.

Feder, Stuart. Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 2004.
Click Here to Read:  Martin Nass’s Review of this Book.
Click Here to Read: Alexander Stein’s Review of this Book