Themes for Survivors: A Chorale by Luis Feder

Dear Audience:

The music and introductory text of ‘Themes for Survivors” “Temas para Survientes” with introductory text and music by Luis Feder with texts in Yiddish, Hebrew, and Aramic, is going to be prefaced in the voice of my late, dear friend and distinguished colleague, Dr. Merton Gill, who translated from Spanish and recorded it in Chicago in the Winter 1981. He established the precondition for this recording to delete whatever he was not in agreement with. As a result, he took out the name of Dr. Anna Ornstein, for her own protection and gave me his reasons. Dr. Ornstein was the one who stimulated with her story, this whole musical project. He also went to great trouble to contact his brother who in turn consulted a Rabbi, and the Rabbi sent me a quotation from the scriptures establishing that a Jew could not gladden with the death of his slain enemy. I do not recall this kind of an indication in my Spanish text, but I fully agree with all the preconditions. As a result, I had the privilege of getting his rich, raw, baritone voice, his prestigious translation and adaptation, the humanitarian preconditions, and the recognition and enthusiasm that he showed to my first symphonic chorale. It has been heard in many lands and played in Villa de Janedo, Brasil on the eighth of May anniversary of the Nazi signature of surrender to the allies.

“Themes for Survivors” has been proposed as part of a disk where Arnold Rosner’s moving work from the Dairies of Arancho Yakov , Ernest Block poem Troi Poems Juisse would be included. It is to be performed by the Phiharmonia of London and to be recorded by Harmony Mundi, directed by Maestro David Hasmish, just as soon as the funds for the event are gathered.

Meanwhile, kindly accept a more modest recording by one of our best orchestral groups, Orchestra Symphonica of Mexico, our national Symphony Orchestra directed at the Jewish Music Festival by Maestro Lazlo Roth, in its world premiere March 12th, 1990, here in Mexico City, at the Teatro Oringiolisli where the use of the horns and the blowing of the Shofarim bursting in a protest that no deniers of the Holocaust could ever silence.

The performance lasts approximately 25 minutes. I hope you enjoy it. This is Luis Feder, Mexico City, December 8th, 1995.

Themes for Survivors by Luis Feder