Psychological assistance for earthquake survivors

Dear Colleagues

I have been coordinating some efforts to provide psychological assistance to people in Sichuan Province . I am the President of CAPA (the China American Psychoanalytic Alliance) and we have many contacts in China.

1. Many groups, hospitals, university departments and individuals in China have written to us asking for advice, training (some wanted volunteers to come to China) from Americans who are knowledgeable about psychological aspects of disasters. We have already arranged for one American volunteer to go to Chengdu and work with a group there.

2. We are arranging for rewriting, translation, and publishing in China of “My Earthquake Story” (a children’s’ workbook with well documented successful results in preventing and ameliorating later effects of natural disasters). Gil Kliman the director of The Children’s Psychological Health Center made it available. We are in touch with three interested Chinese publishers.

3. We will be working with at least two US foundations, maybe more, several branches of the Chinese Red Cross, a major counseling company in China, a major medical supply company in China etc etc etc.

Please email me if you can consult with individuals or groups about working with people affected by disasters using email, phone, Skype
Or if you are available to go to China.
Or if you have other knowledge or skills we and they can use.

Give me information about who you are, your experience with disaster work and what you are willing to do.

Many thanks

Elise Snyder