News from the China American Psychoanalytic Alliance

Here is an update on the activities of the Alliance. We are a completely volunteer organization. We have NO hired employees. We need help in a variety of capacities.

1. Psychoanalyses (20 in progress), Psychotherapies (4 in progress) Individual Supervisions (20 in progress). Now we will be screening all patients thoroughly. (Gardner Jacobs and Lana Fishkin will be doing these screenings.) VOLUNTEER FOR THE SCREENING COMMITTEE. We have people waiting for psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and individual supervision and we will have many more in September. VOLUNTEER TO ANALYZE, DO THERAPY AND SUPERVISE.

2. Two Year Psychotherapy Training Programs:
A. Massachusetts General Hospital, thanks to Scott Wilson, will be teaching one and possibly two programs in China starting this September. We will be providing much of the individual supervision and psychotherapies.

B. CAPA Program Linn Campbell has organized CAPA’s own two-year training program. This will be starting in September. We hope to run two programs, one in Beijing and one in Shanghai. VOLUNTEER TO TEACH. There will be a small honorarium. Please contact Linn Campbell

C. Several other departments of psychiatry and also psychoanalytic Institutes are considering running these programs for us. If you think your institute or department might be interested contact Shana Adler

D. We are applying for grants from the IPA to help fund these programs. If you have experience or interest in grant writing or fundraising, please contact our Treasurer and Chair of our Fund-raising committee, Marshall Greene. VOLUNTEER FOR THE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE

E. These programs are expensive $3000/student/year, which is out of reach for many Chinese mental health professionals. We will be able to offer scholarships for our own program, and will use whatever money is left over to offer scholarships to people taking the MGH program. VOLUNTEER FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE to review scholarship applications.

3. Two Year Child Psychotherapy Training Program: Miriam Pierce is organizing a program. We are waiting to hear from Oxfam about a grant before we proceed.

4. Reading Program in Chengdu.: Lynn Buell is meeting by Skype once a month with the group in Chengdu to discuss readings.

5. Clinical Case Conference: Bill Stockton is meeting every other week with each of two groups of twelve people in Shanghai.

6. Interview and Diagnosis Course: Jerry Blackman has organized a course that he will teach in China beginning next year.

7. Books for China Program: Bill Stockton continues to run this very successful program. Please contact him if you or anyone you know has books to donate. Almost 6000 books and journals have been sent to twelve hospitals, clinics university departments in China. WE NEED A VOLUNTEER TO ASSIST WITH THIS WORK.

8. Book and Movie Reviews We are posting these on our Website. VOLUNTEER TO CHAIR REVIEW COMMITTEE. Send reviews to me.

9. We have a new professional security person, Paul Hsi of MIT. CAPA is continuously working to ensure the privacy and confidentiality necessary for analyses and supervisions of our Skype communications.

10. Talks and Lectures about China
Ubaldo Leli and Elise Snyder spoke about Psychoanalysis and China at the 4/1 APM meeting.
The following members will be speaking in Beijing this October at the World congress on Psychotherapy: Norman Decker, Peter Grant, Ubaldo Leli, and Elise Snyder

And last but not least, we welcome your suggestions and advice
