Discussion Group #80 Analytic Neutrality in Couple and Family Therapy

Discussion Group #80 Analytic neutrality in couple and family therapy
Thursday 4:45-7:15 pm Devember 17th at the APsaA Meetings at the Waldorf-Astoria
For anyone wanting to attend this DG on the use of neutrality in couple and family therapy contact me and I will send out an invitation with our agenda and an attachment that will serve as background for exploring clinical data.
Fred Sander (for John Pareja, and Marv Nierenberg)
The New York Study Group on  Analytic Couple and Family Therapy 

On the one hand:
“However much the analyst may be tempted to become a teacher, a model and ideal for other people he should not forget that that is not his task in the analytic relationship, and indeed he will be disloyal to his task if he allows himself to be led on by his inclinations.”
(Freud, S. 1940 S.E. #23,  p.175-6)
 On the other hand:
“the amount of influence which he [the analyst]  may legitimately allow himself will be determined by the degree of developmental  inhibition [meaning arrest or regression] present in the patient. Some neurotics have remained so infantile that in analysis too they can only be treated as children
(Freud, S. 1940 S.E. # 23 p. 175-6).”