Happy New Year

jane_blueglasses2.jpgAs we prepare to ring in the New Year, I offer some toasts:

* To Arnie Richards: Here’s to the Internationalpsychoanalysis.net blog — may it flourish and continue to feed our world with interesting articles and information on psychoanalysis.

* To all readers of the blog with hopes that more of you participate!

* To Elise Snyder: Congratulations on your inroads to China –may psychoanalytic thinking bridge our cultures.

* To Jurgen Reeder: Kudos for alerting us to the Hate and Love in Psychoanalytic Institutes: The Dilemma of the Profession in a scholarly manner, one from which we all can learn.

* To the IPA Planning Committee: congratulations on the Berlin conference.

* To Barbara Stimmel: Thank you for the fine work you and your committee did on representing North America in Berlin.

* To Claudio Laks Eizirik: Cheers for the leadership you have provided at the IPA.

* To Paul Mosher: Thank you for providing us all with a sense of history.

* To Glen Gabbard: Gratitude for making the APsaA meetings so rich.

* To the organizing committee of The Future of Psychoanalytic Education (Sam Herschkowitz, Kenneth Eisold, Lewis Aron, Jennifer Harper, Joann Turo, James Fosshage, Doonam Kim, Arlene Kramer Richards, and my co-chair Arnie Richards) thank you for producing the first and most successful ecumenical conference on this topic.

* To Charles Brenner, Martin Bergmann, and Peter Neubauer for their continued vitality and for being wonderful role models.

* To Elizabeth Gero-Heymann for celebrating her 104th birthday.

* To Doris Silverman: kudos for the IPA newsletter.

* To all the presidents and board members of our many societies and institutes: thank you for your commitment and energy and time. Your leadership will take us into a successful future.

* To Dick Fox of APsaA for giving psychotherapy its rightful place in the sun.

* To the psychoanalytic journal editors: appreciation for keeping us informed and intellectually stimulated.

* To Norman Doidge: Thanks for telling us that the brain is indeed plastic and that we can add years to its functioning.

* To all the writers of psychoanalytic books and articles that teach us valuable lessons.

* To all the spouses: appreciation for your collective patience, tolerance, and support for your analytically involved mates.

* And most important: Deep gratitude to all the clinicians who do not necessarily make the news but who do the most important work.

Apologies to everyone I have not mentioned but who deserve cheers and best wishes for a successful and healthy New Year.
