American Imago – special edition

The spring issue of AMERICAN IMAGO (Vol 64 No. 1) is a special edition on Music and Psychoanalysis. It was organized by me (Julie Jaffee Nagel, Ph.D.) and is dedicated to the memory of Stuart Feder, M.D.

Contents include:

  • Preface: Peter Rudnytsky
  • Taboo and Biographical Innovation: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert: Maynard Solomon
  • Melodies of the Mind: Mozart in 1778: Julie Jaffee Nagel
  • Music and Primary Process: Proposal for a Preliminary Experiment: Linda A.W. Brakel
  • The Sound of Memory: Music and Acoustic Origins: Alexander Stein
  • The Limits of Empathy:Warren Poland
  • Musings of a Musicophiliac: Brett Kahr
  • Book Review: Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis by Stuart Feder, M.D. Reviewed by Aleksandar Dimitrijevic